Thursday, October 24, 2013

me and my friggin' roommate write something cool together.

when I pooped in my own butt, things started feeling weird…
covered in grey shapes, scary things in the mirror.
they hit a dumpster.
they wanted to know if they only deserved garbage.
only ate garbage.
only slept on garbage.
only loved garbage.
being what it would.
knowing how it would be.
trying to not be made being seem normal.
but it was normal.
ice cream.
ice cream.
ice cream looking like garbage
the only reason to eat ice cream.
it was a weird color.
the color of a lightning storm.
the storm overcame an initial ‘hoopla’.
soon the popularity contest blew over.
blowing someone in a pile of garbage.
sensual sense.
garbage sense..
cabbage cents.
sources seem scantily clad.
I wanted some skin to show
sunshine, take me in.
darkness, take a loop.

grey day, take a toad.

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